
Be The Change That You Want To See In The World

🖥️ Applicant tracking sys using Gemini

🔰 An applicant tracking system (ATS) is computer software that human resource departments use to process the overwhelming number of applications they receive for job openings.

💠 Stores job candidate information like resumes, cover letters, references, and other data. Tracks job candidates and their application status throughout the hiring pipeline. Automates time-consuming tasks such as manually screening applicants, reading resumes, scheduling interviews, and sending out notifications.

  • Python
  • streamlit
  • google-generativeai
  • pdf2image
  • google.generativeai
  • PyPDF2

🚓 Ai Enable car parking using openCV

🔰 Our aim was to revolutionize the car parking experience by leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence. We developed an innovative system that utilizes the OpenCV library, enabling real-time image processing and analysis to optimize parking space utilization and enhance overall efficiency.

💠 Seamlessly identify available parking spots: With the integration of OpenCV's, we achieved a highly accurate system

  • Python
  • CV2
  • AI/ML
  • CVzone
  • Pickle
  • NumPy

🌏 Web Scrapping Collect data from web

🔰 You can scrape e-commerce websites to gather data on product reviews and ratings. Websites like Flipkart can be scraped to find product data.

💠 an automatic method to obtain large amounts of data from websites. Learn what web scraping is, how it works, and how to use it for various applications such as price monitoring, market research, and data analysis.

  • Flask
  • Python
  • mongoDB
  • Postman API
  • JavaScript

😎 Portfolio - to showcase Idea/project's

🔰 The main goal of the portfolio is to showcase the individual's skills andexperience.It's notjust about displaying websites but demonstrating Precience in designing and developing high-quality web solutions.

💠 crafted with the latest technologies to Showcasing my skills and experience indesigning and developing top-notch web solutions

  • JavaScript
  • VScode
  • netlify

🔍 QR Code Generate using python stack

🔰 You can generate QR code in Python in multiple ways. Thus we think pyqrcode module is best for us to generate QR code easily and save that in an image file. Here we will show you how to save the QR code in the svg format in our example.

💠 The pyqrcode module allows us to generate a QR code.

  • Python
  • CV2
  • qrcode
  • numPy
  • VScode
  • pyqrcode

🔊 Text to Voice converter using python

🔰 VoiceMaker is a web-based tool that lets you convert text to speech with various voice effects, languages and regions. You can choose from different AI engines, such as TTS, Neural TTS and Standard TTS, and download or share your audio files in MP3 format.

💠 it is a Python library to interface with Google Translate's text-to-speech API. It requires an Internet connection and it's pretty easy to use. Open up a new Python file and importt

  • Python
  • gTTs
  • VScode
  • Os

🎮 Scissor paper rock game a web game

🔰 You know how to play this one! Choose rock, paper, or scissors before time runs out. Can you spot a pattern in your opponent's choices? Win 2 out of 3 rounds to take the match.

💠 Rock paper scissors is an intransitive hand game, usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand.

  • Python
  • VS code

🎃 I am NOT on vacation Coming Soon

🔰 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iure nam, eum similique rem id est nobis inventore voluptatum perspiciatis voluptatibus.

💠 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iure nam, eum similique rem id est nobis inventore voluptatum perspiciatis voluptatibus.


🎃 I am NOT on vacation Comming Soon

🔰 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Dolores pariatur vero, voluptatum autem eius error?

💠 Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eos, atque ipsam. Veritatis magni, et beatae ducimus temporibus a deserunt nisi!
